Ripped young muscle boy Olaf Mortensen strips naked wanking his big uncut cock

Freshmen says: Ripped young muscle boy Olaf Mortensen manages to get through his Bootcamp introduction which has been filmed by Kevin.

Refreshingly honest Olaf is a perfect Freshmen model who has not been shy about coming forward. He’s not scared to try new things, having worked for a time as a share trader and as a stonemason, before he decided that gay porn star would be his chosen occupation.

We are glad that none of those careers quite satisfied leading him to eventually find our advertisement on the web.

Judging from his fulfilled, flirtatious smile at the end of his jerk-off, we gather he is very satisfied with working here.

With his succulent nipples, his bubble butt, and his piercing blue eyes, we suspect his fans will be more than satisfied.

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